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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Using two point correlation functions to understand the assembly histories of Milky Way-like galaxies [期刊论文].
[2] Unraveling the Complexity of Dwarf Galaxy Dynamics: A Study of Binary Orbital Motions [期刊论文].
[3] Dark against Luminous Matter around Isolated Central Galaxies: A Comparative Study between Modern Surveys and IllustrisTNG [期刊论文]. ApJ,
[4] Is the Core-cusp Problem a Matter of Perspective? Jeans Anisotropic Modeling against Numerical Simulations the Astrophysical Journal, 2022,
[5] What to expect from dynamical modelling of cluster haloes - II. Investigating dynamical state indicators with Random Forest MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2022,
[6] A machine learning approach to infer the accreted stellar mass fractions of central galaxies in the TNG100 simulation MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2022,
[7] The stellar mass in and around isolated central galaxies: Connections to the total mass distribution through galaxy-galaxy lensing in the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey arXiv, 2021,
[8] Proper motion measurements for stars up to 100 kpc with subaru hsc and sdss stripe 82 arXiv, 2020,
[9] A comparative study of satellite galaxies in Milky Way-like galaxies from HSC, DECaLS and SDSS arXiv, 2020,
[10] Proper motion measurements for stars up to 100 kpc with Subaru HSC and SDSS Stripe 82 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2021,
[11] A comparative study of satellite galaxies in Milky Way-like galaxies from HSC, DECaLS, and SDSS MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 2021,
[12]wangwenting. Strong bimodality in the host halo mass of central galaxies from galaxy-galaxy lensing MNRAS, 2016,
[13]wangwenting. Do satellite galaxies trace matter in galaxy clusters? MNRAS, 2018,
[14] What to expect from dynamical modelling of galactic haloes MNRAS, 2017,
[15] The orbital PDF: general inference of the gravitational potential from steady-state tracers MNRAS, 2016,
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